Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Mtv Arabia - 1329 Words

Case Analysis: MTV Arabic Introduction: Music Television or MTV is the pioneer of the concept of a cable music channel. It started in 1981 in United States. This was a mark of the commencement of the cable TV revolution in the history. The primary audience for MTV is those in the 12 to 24 age group. Later on, MTV launched many sister channel, this includes VH1 (video hit one) which shows light popular music, Rhythm and blues which shows Ramp;B, jazz, classics and country music, and lastly Nickelodeon which is the children channel. By 1987 MTVN began its first expansion outside of the United States. The first target for MTV was the European countries. Then they have a further expansion set out to Australia, Latin America and Asia. By†¦show more content†¦Middle Eastern people are very conservative while MTV tend to be the voice of liberation for the younger generation and it is very liberal in itself. Second, there is a huge anti American sentiments prevalent among a large group of population in Middle East. Pol itical and religious issues are difficult to overcome for both parties. Lastly, Middle East region is very rich in its cultures. Many things might be acceptable in some countries while others cannot stand a sight of it. MTV has to find a right balance for the every sub cultural group in the Middle East. Cultural differences between MTV and Arabs MTV is coming from the western world and it is well known for airing explicit sexually, open and provocative programs. MTV is very open and it carries an image of western pop culture along with it. As far as everyone may have noticed, Arab people are one of the most conservative people in the world today. Some Arab females are wearing clothed mask to conceal themselves, they are not suppose to show any part of their body to strangers. Family is highly value for the Arab, the head of the family has ultimate authorization in everything that is going on in the family. MTV value individualism and encourage people to speak and stand up for themselves. This image went contrary to the socially conservative culture of the Middle East, and it could be a key bottleneck to the channel’s acceptance in Arab Region. Anti – American segment United States is theShow MoreRelatedMtv : The World Of Art And Entertainment1511 Words   |  7 PagesSince its inception in 1981, MTV has been a cultural phenomenon as a leading force for pop culture and has changed the world of art and entertainment. The network captured the hearts (and wallets) of millions of young people and quickly built this American cable channel into a global youth cultural mega empire. MTV Networks (MTVN) has developed a prominent global reputation for its ability to provide content without compromising the MTV culture. 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It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. 2008, IBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. To order copies, call +91-8417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center forRead MoreMtv Arabian Challenge7403 Words   |  30 PagesBSTR/294 ICMR Center for Management Research MTV Networks: The Arabian Challenge This case was written by Debapratim Purkayastha, ICMR Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. For use by students of Icfai Flexible Learning programs. Not to be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means. 2008, ICMRRead MoreAaron Abrams . Professor Harding . Mgt375 . 3/21/17. 1.1220 Words   |  5 Pagesdecent clothes in front of the other sexes. There cannot have sex until marriage. Their cannot use slang language and there are anti-American. MTV has multiple challenge while doing their television show in Saudi Arabia. One of the problem were the language translation. It did not usually translate properly or reveal a very explicit sexual message. MTV still maintain their Western ties which led to most of their shows being censored. Only forty percent of Arabic teenagers watch this program. TheRead MoreMtv s Global Management Team Essay905 Words   |  4 Pagesaround the world. MTV’s vision for expansion into the global market to supply media to the world’s youth had no limitation. In 2007, MTVN planned to enter the Middle East after several years of planning. MTV entry faced many difficulties in order to enter the Middle Eastern media market successfully. MTV Manage ment team’s focused on identifying the internal strengths, internal weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to construct a corporate level strategy to enter into the Middle East market. By understandingRead MoreMtv Networks: the Arabian Challenge4307 Words   |  18 PagesICMR Case Collection Co p y Icfai Center for Management Research MTV Networks: The Arabian Challenge o D . N ot BSTR294 - Teaching Note ï›™ 2009, Icfai Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means- electronic or mechanical, without permission. To order copies, call +91-40-2343-0462/63 or write to Icfai Center for ManagementRead MoreCase Study : Music Television Networks1182 Words   |  5 Pagesprovide localized content without diluting what MTV stood for. What MTV wanted to do now, was enter the Arabian/Middle Eastern markets where everything is different. However, the company faced the most challenging test in late 2007 with its launch of MTV Arabia in the Middle East, which some experts considered as the biggest launch in the channel s history. While the market in the Middle East offered MTVN huge opportunities due to its huge youth populace, MTV s controversial content that was known forRead MoreArabian Challenge4526 Words   |  19 PagesMTV NETWORKS: THE ARABIAN CHALLENGE MTV Networks (MTVN) was launched MTV Arabia on November17, 2007 partnership with Arabian Television Network (ATN) as part of their strategy to extend their network over the world including in Middle East. General Manager of MTV Arabia, Patrick Samaha (Samaha) have to ensure their strategy which is to ensure the programs won over the hearts of the Arabs and adhered to local taste and culture without diluting MTV global brand. Timeline / Background of MTVN Read MoreA Report on Politics of the 1990s: Persian Gulf War771 Words   |  3 PagesPresident George H. W. Bush declared that the war in Kuwait will not stand. A day after the declaration, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia met with U.S. Defense Secretary Richard Cheney to request military assistance. Saudi Arabia, japan, and other wealthy allies would be funded $60 billion for there losses and damages. August 8, 1990 U.S. air force fighters were in Saudi Arabia. By 1991 the United States alone had 50,000 troops. On February 26, 1991 Saddam ordered the withdrawal from Kuwait. About 10

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